Posts Tagged ‘ socialism ’

Foxconn Chinese Employees just one symptom of the disease

Chris Prillo's headMy favorite Iowa expat, Chris Prillo, shone a light on an injustice in the tech community again on his blog. Writing from information gleaned from an article on M.I.C. Gadget:  The Real Truth Behind Foxconn’s Suicide Cluster. The M.I.C. Gadget article had a translation of the text from an article by a Chinese journalist who went undercover at the factory to see the conditions first hand.

Chris points out that the company is treating their employees as less than human and since they are making hundreds of millions of dollars in profits, they could pay them more, make them work fewer hours, and offer them a more stimulating work environment.

Kudos to you Chris!!

One of the commenters made the observation that the conditions are the result of the open market for labor. Another blamed the oppressive Chinese government. After these two comments, I just couldn’t remain silent! I spoke directly to the second issue, but the first is the underlying problem with unregulated capitalism.

These people are living in the worst position at the conjunction of several bad cultural paradigms. China is experimenting with allowing private enterprise to produce rewards for its citizens. The North American & much of the European market is full of people clamoring for more and more technology and other stuff for less and less money. Continue reading

PP101: Political Philosophy, an Overview

Image of Voting BoothI mentioned earlier that the conservatives were throwing around the words Socialist and Socialism when talking about Health Care Reform and proposed changes to the Income Tax System. I think it would be a good idea to examine just what these words mean and how they fit into the broader political Spectrum.

I won’t do it all in one post!!

I know that 1000+ words creating a solid mass of text on a computer screen is not necessarily an attractive feature. I will take the subject one piece at a time. I hope you will stick around for the entire course of my reflection.

I will compare and contrast many ideas of political and economic thought and philosophy from Capitalism to Socialism to Communism and what it means to live in a Democracy, Republic, or Dictatorship. These terms are not all mutually exclusive. You can have a Capitalistic Dictatorship and a Socialist Democracy.

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